


You can get information about the Labor Code here.

The Working Hours Act (ArbZG) sets out the basic standards for when and for how long employees in Germany may work at most. In this way, the law ensures the health protection of employees.


You can obtain information about the Severely Disabled Persons Act from here.

Law to ensure the integration of severely disabled persons in work, occupation and society. Disabled persons are those who, as a result of damage to their physical, mental or intellectual functions, are impaired to such an extent that their immediate life activities or participation in the life of society is impeded.


You can obtain information about the Youth Employment Protection Act from here.

This Act shall apply in the Federal Republic of Germany and in the exclusive economic zone to the employment of persons who have not yet reached 18 years of age in vocational training, as employees or home workers, with other services similar to the work performance of employees or home workers, in a training relationship similar to vocational training.


You can obtain information about the Federal Leave Act here.

All employees in Germany are entitled to paid annual leave. The minimum vacation period is regulated by the Minimum Vacation Act for Employees (Bundesurlaubsgesetz, BUrlG).


You can find information on the Employee Leasing Act here

The Law on the Regulation of Temporary Employment (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz, AÜG) regulates the hiring out of employees by their employer (lender) for the performance of work to third parties (hirer). It primarily serves the social protection of temporary workers.


You can obtain information about the Maternity Protection Act here

The statutory maternity protection has the task of protecting the (expectant) mother and her child from hazards, excessive demands and damage to health at the workplace, from financial losses as well as from the loss of the job during pregnancy and some time after the birth.


Informationen über das Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz erhalten Sie hier

Ziel des Gesetzes ist, Benachteiligungen aus Gründen der Rasse oder wegen der ethnischen Herkunft, des Geschlechts, der Religion oder Weltanschauung, einer Behinderung, des Alters oder der sexuellen Identität zu verhindern oder zu beseitigen.